This year at the Challenge Model UN (details and sign up here) there will be some work done in committee about dealing with terrorism. To assist student delegates, Civitas has complied some maps, videos, and other resources. If you have any suggested information, please send it via email to [email protected].
- ISIS in Afghanistan, 35 minutes (PBS Frontline)
- Escaping ISIS, 55 minutes (PBS Frontline)
- Rise of ISIS, 55 minutes (PBS Frontline)
- Children of ISIS, 11 minutes (PBS Frontline)
- Losing Iraq, 1 hour 25 minutes (PBS Frontline)
- Iraq Divided: The Fight Against ISIL, 25 minutes (Al Jazeera Faultlines)
- How is Islamic State run?, 1.5 minutes
- Rise of Islamic State, 3:30 minutes
- Confronting ISIL: Seven countries discuss solutions, 3 minutes (Al Jazeera)
- United Nations report: ISIL possibily guilty of war crimes, 5 minutes (Al Jazeera)
- VICE Special Report: Fighting ISIS, 47 minutes (HBO required)
- Taking on ISIL remains a top priority for the international community (Al Jazeera)

- The struggle in maps (BBC)
- ISIS militants outline chilling 5 year plan for global domination (U.K. Daily Mail)
- Mapping ISIL’s attacks in 2015 (Al Jazeera American)
- Map reveals how ISIS will spread if not stopped in Syria & Iraq (UK Express)
News Articles:
- Islamic State info hub (BBC)
- ISIL captures territory in eastern Syria – Al Jazeera (Jan. 18th, 2015)
- Fast facts and timeline of ISIL (CNN)
- Who is Fighting Whom in Syria (New York Times)
- Syrian Peace Talks Inch Ahead as Bombings Near Damascus Continue (New York Times)
- Canada to End Bombing Missions in Syria and Iraq (Huffington Post)
- Pentagon leery of political pressure to move quickly on ISIL stronghold (Politico)
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