On Saturday, March 5 from 10:00 am until noon we are planning a casual, fun morning of watching mini-documentaries on a variety of topics at the World Community Center (438 N. Skinker Blvd., 63130). In consideration are short films about a prison project influenced by Scandinavian practices, the current wave of book banning in local and national high schools, Boeing’s awareness of flaws in its 737 Max airplane before the crashes that killed 346 people, and more–especially ideas you might have! You can suggest topics and/or specific short doc titles when you sign up.
We know it is a rich and valuable experience for students from a variety of different high schools to come together and talk about lofty ideas in a casual, low-key environment. It will be a fun and memorable event!
Snacks and beverages will be served.
Watch + Discuss Short docs with us