Resolutions for April 24, 2019 - CIVITAS-STL

Resolutions for April 24, 2019

Here are the resolutions for the April 24, 2019 General Assembly session. The schools attending are Hixson Middle and John Burroughs. The General Assembly will be at the Creve Coeur Drury Inn from 9:00 am until 12:00 pm. We will be posting resolutions as we receive them. Some of these might be rough drafts and will have changes before the session.

Resolution Number:Submitted By:Topic:

Hixson Middle
Ethical Issues on AI 

John Burroughs
Natural Disasters in Indonesia Due to Climate Change

Hixson Middle
LGBTQ Rights in Honduras/Spain

John Burroughs
Lack of Prenatal Care in Nigeria
Canada, Chile

Hixson Middle
E.P.I.C (Ease Pressure on Indigenous Culture (in the Native Americans))     
Dem. Republic of Congo

John Burroughs
De L’ eau Pour Tous

Resolution GA-01 April 24

Owen Crews, Will Kaupp, Danny Leahy, and Jack Lewis

Re.:                             Ethical Issues on AI                      
Submitted to:             General Assembly

Submitted by:            Norway

Date:                           April 24, 2019

Whereas Article 1 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.”, and

Whereas Article 2 section 1 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without any distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.”, and

Whereas Article 2 section 2 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.”, and

Whereas Article 3 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person.”, and

Knowing that one AI self-driving car in 2018 ran over a human being, and

Worried that the problem with the human cybernetics is that we could be eventually taking away the jobs of millions of people, and

Alarmed by the year of 2030 AI will have taken over 800 million jobs, and

Recognizing a disadvantage of AI would be cost because will all the repairs the AI would need and rebuilding plus building them. The cost would be between 35,000 and 100,000 just to build the AI, and

Emphasizing that keeping your privacy is harder and harder these days with the quick advancement of technology and as AI develop they will be able to bring even more data on the table making it easier to get into your personal data like in 2018 when Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook undermined all of our data, and

Taking into consideration that by next year 62% of security experts expect to have some disaster with weaponized AI, and

Keeping in mind that right now white male scientists are dominating the AI field, and

Observing that in the 2016 election over 50 million users private information and used this data for the election,

Be It Hereby Resolved That The General Assembly:

  1. The United Nations will set up the Council of AI and Cybernetic (CAC) its goal is to protect the dignity of humans, protect human culture and promote technologies that enhance humankind and prevent AI from becoming the dominant race.


  1. CAC will be focusing on not just one country but the whole world from AI and cybernetic from taking over jobs and our future.


  1. CAC will solve this goal by creating the Guidelines of Humanity and Artificial Intelligence, adapted and modified from Google’s code of ethics and principles for AI for all nations to ratify in the UN.


  1. The Guidelines of Humanity and Artificial Intelligence will incorporate these principles which include Incorporate privacy design principles, accountability, high standards of scientific excellence, Avoid creating or reinforcing unfair bias, Be built and tested for safety, Be socially beneficial, and limit potentially harmful or abusive applications.


  1. The CAC will draft a treaty that will ban all lethal autonomous weapons systems and propose that all member nations ratify the treaty. The CAC will have the power to inspect facilities that are suspected of experimenting and producing lethal autonomous weapons systems.


  1. The CAC will meet every two years on how AI is being more advanced and new dangers that threaten member nations.


  1. The CAC will promote diversity with women and other people of color by recruiting women and people of color to work in the AI field and give countries grants that abide by the Guidelines for Humanity for scholarships to make sure everyone has a voice in the development of AI.


  1. If countries follow these rules and accept these rules then CAC will try and keep tabs on these countries. Meetings will be held once a year with the leaders of the countries that stand true to the potential treaty. These meetings will discuss how to help control the peace and human’s jobs.


Resolution GA-02 April 24

Re.:                             Natural Disasters in Indonesia due to Climate Change
Submitted to:             General Assembly
Submitted by:            Indonesia
Date:                           April 24, 2019

Whereas Article 3 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person.”, and

Whereas Article 25, section 1 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family, including food, clothing, housing, and medical care, and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age, or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.”, and

Concerned that every year natural disasters kill around 90 000 people and affect close to 160 million people worldwide, and

Alarmed that on 26 December 2004, a tsunami in the Indian Ocean killed about 228,000 people from 13 countries, and

Saddened that in 2018 over 2,000 people died and 90,000 were displaced when an earthquake struck just off the central Indonesian island of Sulawesi, setting off a tsunami that engulfed the coastal city of Palu, and

Noting with deep concern that at least one major natural disaster has occurred in Indonesia every month since 2004,

Be It Hereby Resolved That The General Assembly:

  1. The United Nations will begin a program called the Preparation for Asian Natural Disasters Agency (PANDA) that will mitigate the effects of climate change in Indonesia. This agency will help prepare rural and poor regions of Indonesia for the effects of earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis in order to decrease the amount of harm caused. It will do this by building temporary shelters and creating gardens for people to grow food, so that after a natural disaster people whose homes and food sources were destroyed can survive. There will be one small garden outside of each respective shelter.

  2. The program will focus on rural towns in areas most affected by natural disaster that do not receive as much government mitigation as larger cities to protect them.

  3. A few people each from the towns we focus on will be trained by experienced volunteers to build and, if needed, repair these shelters. We will aim to include 50% women.
  4. The UN will buy purchase 5,902 Ikea Better Shelters, which will protect 29,510 people for up to 3 years following a natural disaster. They are solar powered, durable, and secure. They have also been previously successfully implemented by the UN High Commission for Refugees. We can provide roughly 240 shelters each in 25 rural towns, which would protect approximately 1,200 people per town, depending on the population.

  5. We will build the shelters in regions near the affected towns that are not at high risk for natural disasters. We will provide transportation vans to transport the people to the shelters.

  6. We will provide people living in the Better Shelters with various food seeds and basic farming equipment so they are able to create a sustainable source of food. We will also initially provide them with amounts of food and a clean water pump so they have immediate relief. People will stay in the shelters for as long as they need a place to live.

  7. If after 3 years progress is made and 75% of the shelters are used after the next major natural disaster, another vote will take place with the goal of moving the program to other Asian countries in need, such as the Philippines and Bangladesh, giving more shelters to Indonesia to continue providing housing for those in need after disasters.

  8. To get proper money, we will raise dues on 10 highest paying members 0.4% for 1 year to raise $8.38 million dollars of funding for the first 3 years of the project, which covers the costs of the shelters, transportation, seeds, and food.


Resolution GA-03 April 24

Re.:                             LGBTQ Rights in Honduras/Spain         
Submitted to:             General Assembly

Submitted by:            Spain

Date:                           April 24, 2019

Whereas Article 2 section 1 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without any distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.”, and

Whereas Article 2 section 2 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.”, and

Whereas Article 7 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “All are equal before the law and are entitled without discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.”, and

Alarmed that homosexuality is still a crime in 72 countries. And even countries with no legal barriers, such as the US, record shocking levels of hate crimes – there were 53 transgender murders from 2013 to 2015 and not a single one was prosecuted”, and

Knowing, that LGBT murderers are most likely to go unpunished according to Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, and

Worried that Honduras is the murder capital of the world with a national homicide rate of 60 per 100,000 people, and

Concerned that there will be a decrease in the population of Honduras, and

Aware that Honduras is making much improvement as they have elected more LGBTQ activists which will make it easier to influence political parties for inclusion,

Be It Hereby Resolved That The General Assembly:

  1. The United Nations created the Honduran LGBTQ Alliance (HLGBTQA). The goal is for people who identify as LGBTQ and supporters of the LGBTQ community can come together and show everyone that they can be who they want to be.
  2. As Spain, we would like to help Honduras lower those crime rates against LGBTQ people by helping with the Honduran LGBTQ Alliance. Studies show that Spain is the friendliest country towards LGBTQ people.
  3. The Honduran LGBTQ Alliance will function in Honduras. This is mainly because Honduras has some of the highest crime rates related to the LGBTQ community. People all over the world are biased and we all need to learn to put our biases aside and accept people who they are. Lots of LGBTQ people in Honduras have had to flee their homes because of the threat of gang violence being committed against them.
  4. The Honduran LGBTQ Alliance will create an awareness campaign using the popularity of soccer and advertisement to notify and educate the citizens that all people should be treated equally.
  5. The Honduran LGBTQ Alliance will create a safe space building where the LGBTQ community can gather and have meetings. In these meetings, the LGBTQ community can brainstorm ways to solve conflicts and discrimination that they face. Most police officers are against the LGBTQ community, so in order to keep everyone safe, we would add security from Puerto Rico because it is not very far from Honduras and is one of the most LGBTQ friendly islands in the Caribbean. We also chose to have to cameras around the building for extra security.
  6. The LGBTQ Alliance of Honduras will make it easier for the LGBTQ community to feel safer and feel like they aren’t forgotten and that other people are still trying to make their lives better. It also may make them feel like they are important, that they have a voice.
  7. The number one goal of the LGBTQ Alliance of Honduras is to make everyone feel comfortable with who they are and let people know that is okay for them to be themselves no matter their race, religion, or gender.
  8. The cost for the LGBTQ Alliance of Honduras building would be about 500,000 dollars. To fund the building, Monaco and Liechtenstein would each be asked to donate 250,000 dollars. The building will help many of the Hondurans that are part of the LGBTQ community and they won’t be afraid to be themselves.
  9. Each year a large LGBTQ march will be held in Tegucigalpa; the capital of Honduras, to celebrate the people of the LGBTQ community and their rights. As the Honduran LGBTQ Alliance gains more attention, more countries will be included to eventually form the National LGBTQ Alliance.*

Resolution GA-04 April 24

Re.:                             Lack of Prenatal Care in Nigeria
Submitted to:             General Assembly
Submitted by:            Myanmar
Date:                           April 24, 2019

Whereas Article 3 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person.”, and

Whereas Article 16 section 1 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage, and at its dissolution.”, and

Whereas Article 25, section 1 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family, including food, clothing, housing, and medical care, and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age, or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.”, and

Appalled that the infant mortality rate of Nigeria is 84.59 out of 1,000 versus the world’s 35.4 out of 1000, and

Concerned that many women do not receive prenatal care, or cannot afford it, and

Aware that only 56% of women in Nigeria have access to healthcare facilities, and

Worried that Nigeria has the 10th highest infant mortality rate in the world,

Be It Hereby Resolved That The General Assembly:

  1. The United Nations will begin a program called Expansion of Women’s Antenatal Care (EWAC) that will provide more health centers providing prenatal care for pregnant women in Nigeria. This program will run for three years.

  2. Health care centers will be set up in villages throughout the country; They will start small, through research we will find which villages have the lowest income rate. These centers will provide prenatal care for women but also the basic health care needed in those cities.

  3. In these facilities health professionals will perform regular checkups to be aware of the fetus’ health conditions, so they can be better equipped once the baby is born. Therefore lowering the infant mortality rates in Nigeria. In addition, the professionals working there will be able to hand out free prenatal vitamins and ultrasounds.
  4. We will join efforts with the Peace Corps to find recruits willing to go over and serve at these facilities in Nigeria. These recruits will have backgrounds in medicine and prenatal care. They will try to employ Nigerian doctors, which in turn will raise the number of doctors that stay in Nigeria.

  5. After the doctor’s time with the peace corp, they will partner with the two major hospitals in Lagos, Eko Hospital and Reddington Hospital, offering an incentive to keep practicing medicine in the country.

  6. EWAC will start with two different facilities in each city. If the facilities do well, then over the next six years EWAC will start to spread to the remote villages as well as other large cities.

  7. EWAC will cost about 5 million per year for health care centers, medical equipment like ultrasound machines, and medicines like prenatal vitamins. A salary will also be provided for the Peace Corps recruits and volunteers. The money will be provided by raising the dues of the 20 wealthiest countries by 0.5%.

  8. EWAC will pair up with the Nigerian national, state, and local government to try to alter each facility to meet the direct needs of each area.

  9. If the percentage of women receiving prenatal care and visiting health care facilities goes up by 10% and if the infant mortality rate goes down by 10 children per one 1000. The program will continue for three more years and expand to other cities and villages. After help has been given to Nigeria the program will expand to other countries with high infant mortality rates including Afghanistan and Mali.


Resolution GA-05 April 24

Re.:                             E.P.I.C (Ease Pressure on Indigenous Culture (in the native Americans))                      
Submitted to:             General Assembly

Submitted by:            Canada, Chile     

Date:                           April 24, 2019

Whereas Article 3 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person.”, and

Whereas Article 13 section 1 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.”, and

Whereas Article 13 section 2 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.”, and

Alarmed that in Canada 87% of the indigenous women have experienced physical or will experience violence in their lifetime. One and three of these women will be raped, and

Emphasizing that in the US Native Americans in North Dakota are being treated with voter suppression. About 60% of the Indigenous population of North Dakota live on reservations, where many residents don’t have a street address because the U.S. Postal Service does not provide them residential delivery services. That means many Native Americans use a P.O. box to receive their mail. But in order to vote in an election you have to have a residential address. In past years this wasn’t too much of a problem as there were other ways to prove your residency, like signing an affidavit or having a poll worker vouch for you. But in 2013, the state legislature took away those options, making it harder to vote, especially for Native Americans on reservations, and

Fully aware that according to Human Rights Watch, in Chile in 2017 Mapuche activists were accused of violent acts, the prosecutor even going as far as applying counter-terrorism, and

Deeply concerned that according to Human Rights Watch, the Mapuche people want Chile to be recognized as a multinational country. They also want all their territory that matters most for them back like ancestral waters, natural resources and the land that is important from their past. They want special representation in politics, and self-determination. Denying their land can stop them from living out their culture, and by denying them that right we are denying their existence as people,

Be It Hereby Resolved That The General Assembly:

  1. The United Nations create a program called Ease Pressure on Indigenous Culture (E.P.I.C) that will insure the rights of indigenous people in South and North America.
  2. The continents EPIC will be focusing on is North and South America, but mainly the United States, Canada, and Chile.
  3. EPIC will provide legal assistance for indigenous women in Canada and lobby the Canadian government to enforce sexual abuse and sexual harassment laws. EPIC will team up with the National Hockey League and put a 10-cent fee on tickets. The NHL’s total attendance for 2017-18 was 22,174,263 – in order to raise $2.2 million dollars for legal help in Canada and the U.S. In order to spread awareness, EPIC will start a campaign for the people that need help
  4. Epic will draft guidelines to promote Native American voting and if not adopted by ND will declare results of elections from North Dakota fraudulent, corrupt and unfair. It will seek sanctions against the US. To make sure the elections are going smoothly, Electoral Assistance Division of the Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) of the United Nations Secretariat.
  5. Create a mostly self-governing state in Chile for the Mapuche population, where they can create their own political system, but cannot remove any basic rights for citizens.
  6. Negotiate with the government of Chile for the eventual independent homeland within Chile for the Mapuche people. Eventually, EPIC plans on moving into other countries if this plan is successful, but right now is focused in the Americas.


Resolution GA-06 April 24

Re.:                             De L’eau Pour Tous

Submitted to:             General Assembly

Submitted by:            Dem. Republic of Congo

Date:                           April 24, 2019

Whereas Article 3 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person.”, and

Whereas Article 25, section 1 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family, including food, clothing, housing, and medical care, and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age, or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.”, and

Aware that the Democratic Republic of the Congo has access to the Congo River, yet many of the people are not able to access the water, and

Knowing that after the 1998 war, water in DRC became sparse and much of the infrastructure and technology has been destroyed, and

Alarmed by the fact that many of the Congolese have died from diseases such as malaria, diarrhea, and malnutrition, due to lack of clean water, and

Deeply concerned by the fact that the state utility pipes, from which 69% of the population gets water, have not been replaced or improved, due to lack of adequate funding from the government, and

Recognizing that many people are forced to drink dirty water from streams and ponds contaminated by waste, bacteria, and chemicals,

Be It Hereby Resolved That The General Assembly:

  1. The UN will make a new program in the DRC aimed at reducing diseases caused by lack of clean and safe water. This program will be called De L’eau Pour Tous and will later expand to other countries if successful.

  2. The program will also include helpers from Solidarités International, a program already working in DRC, and Mercy Corps. Together, they will build water sanitation stations, and educate families on hygiene and sanitation of water.

  3. We will also build wells in the two of the poorest regions in the DRC– Lomami and Sankuru.
  4. This program will cost about $4,650,000 dollars for Lomami and $1,800,000 dollars for Sankuru. This will cover expenses to build enough wells for each region’s whole population. This becomes $6,450,000, and also adding another extra 550,000 for emergency fund or extra money will make this program 7 million dollars.

  5. If this program is successful, it will expand to replace old pipes and will then expand to other regions in the DRC after 3 years.

  6. If successful in providing more people access to clean water, after 5 years it will expand to Libya, the Western Sahara and Ghana, and which are also countries with major water scarcity issues.

  7. This program will be funded by raising the dues of the 10 wealthiest countries in the world, including Monaco, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Qatar, Norway, Switzerland, Australia, Denmark, Sweden, and San Marino, by 4.394%



Bobbi Kennedy is the middle school coordinator for Civitas. She also helps with high school activities and keeps the web site from imploding.

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