Student thoughts on the Presidential Debate - CIVITAS-STL

Student thoughts on the Presidential Debate

Thanks to the students who took the time to submit their thoughts from the September presidential debate to us.

I was very disappointed with the debate. Personally, I expected better from both candidates, but especially Harris. However, I admire the way she handled the continuous pressure that was coming from Mr.Trump. I believed that someone had to talk about policy in this debate, and Kamala did, showcasing her economic plan for the future. Meanwhile. Mr.Trump did not do that, just affirming that if he were elected president, the Ukraine-Russia war would be over before he even stepped into office. I believe that Trump also passed along a lot of propaganda that distracted the main content of the debate, such as the cult in Ohio. Again, both debaters were not performing at their A-game, but I was able to see some promise in Kamala’s speeches more so than Trump’s. I thought this debate would provide answers to how the election would turn out, instead it is causing even more questions. Hopefully, the second debate turns out to be a better one. – Dwaraka, Parkway Central High School

I believe Harris did better than Trump during the debate. Harris addressed important issues and responded more effectively than Trump. For example, Harris stated her plan for the economy. Trump responded “… run spot run,” and stated no plan. Harris’ closing statement was more inspiring than Trumps. Harris said “I do believe that the American people know we all have so much more in common than what separates us and we can chart a new way forward.” – Kendal, Home School Harmony St. Louis

In general, I feel like Harris was better prepared and maintained her prosecutor stance, but did not explain her plans for the future enough. Trump, however, took Harris’s bait too much, getting angry about his rally attendance numbers and continuing with false claims about pet-eating in Ohio and legal infanticide. I believe that the post-debate anger over the moderators’ imbalanced fact checking was baseless, as both candidates were informed that there would be fact-checking and could have prepared more accurate statements. – Benjamin Yates, Home School


Bobbi Kennedy is the middle school coordinator for Civitas. She also helps with high school activities and keeps the web site from imploding.