My name is Priscilla Salmeron, I was 5 months in St Louis, Missouri, USA. US., To receive medical treatment, when I was there, I had the opportunity to meet a great person, Stephanie Gavin, she helped me visit 2 schools, St Joseph Academy, where a student (Maggie Hannick) was amazing with me and with Crossroad School, where I had the opportunity to be in different classes and learn a little about the students and the American school system, it was a fabulous experience and I have the opportunity to compare the American school system with the Venezuelan school system, we have too many differences when we talk about school or country or something like that, people in the United States are lucky enough to be and live there.

Starting with something very simple like the airport; When I returned to Venezuela, I had 3 flights, from San Luis to Miami, that flight was good, both airports were in perfect containing complete and with everything 100% synchronized so everything was perfect the flight from Miami to Caracas when we arrived. the airport, which does not have air conditioning, people were completely crazy running from anywhere to anywhere, the toilets were not working and the bathrooms at an international airport are really important, well … It was a complete disaster.
When I returned to my house, we did not have water and my family was very worried about us because it was raining and the avenue was very dangerous to go to my house because the pipe the syfrom did not work.
Usually, when you come from another country like the United States. to a country that is in complete disaster and destruction, it is scary, not only because of the disaster, because of the economic problems and all the problems that country has, because that will be bad for you and your family when you have the opportunity to visit a country Wonderful as the United States. He does not want to return to his country because his reality is completely different, his economy and his government are in trouble and he can not do anything to make it work, the school organization is a complete reflection of the organization of the country. the students are a reflection of the people of the country, when you attend a Venezuelan school, it is horrible compared to that, because we do not have many things that they have, it is true that there are very decent people, but most are bad enough both academically and in the basic values of society. When you study with that kind of education and you have the opportunity like me to see another more organized type like the American, you see the luck that the people there have …
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This post was submitted by Priscilla.