Here are the resolutions for the April 1, 2025 General Assembly session. The schools attending are Holman Middle, Pattonville Heights, and Remington Traditional. The General Assembly will be Forest Park Drury Inn (2111 Sulphur Ave, St. Louis, MO 63139) from 9 am until noon. We will be posting resolutions as we receive them. Some of these might be rough drafts and will have changes before the session. Click here to see country rosters and information about the other Middle School General Assemblies.
Resolution Number | Submitted by: | Topic: |
GA-01 | Madagascar (Pattonville Heights) | Air Pollution in the Democratic Republic of Congo |
GA-02 | Argentina (Remington Traditional) | Immigration |
GA-03 | Coming soon! | |
GA-04 | Sudan (Pattonville Heights) | Refugees/Refugee Camps |
Resolution GA-01 April 1
Re.: Air Pollution in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Submitted to: General Assembly
Submitted by: Madagascar
Date: April 1, 2025
Whereas Sustainable Development Goal #13 is Climate Action, and
Whereas Sustainable Development Goal #15 is Life on Land, and
Whereas Article 25, section 1 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family, including food, clothing, housing, and medical care, and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age, or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.”, and
Bewildered that the Democratic Republic of Congos’ PM2.5 was 40.8 in 2023 which is 8 times higher than the WHO guidelines, and
Noting that 86% of total greenhouse gas emissions are from forestry and land-use change, and
Troubled that air pollution is the greatest environmental threat to health and the leading cause of non-communicable diseases, and
Startled that there are 7 million premature deaths every year due to outdoor and household air pollution, and
Heeding that air pollution is caused by motor vehicles, industrial facilities, forest fires, etc.
Be It Hereby Resolved That The General Assembly:
- The United Nations will start an organization called FOP (Free Of Pollution.) FOP will inform and report fires that start and check factories for too much pollution.
- FOP will start in the Democratic Republic of Congo. 200 employees will be assigned to check in at factories and give warnings and fines if they produce too much pollution. The fines will go to FOP for supplies and expansion. We will also send a satellite that tracks fires starting in Democratic Republic of Congo, having another 200 employees watching sections of land for fires. 600 employees will be ready to respond to the fires and put them out.
- The money that is needed for this program will be $353 million.
- $2,000 x 1000 employees = $2,000,000 for salaries per year
- $350,000,000 for a satellite
- $500,000 for computers connected to the satellite
- $500,000 for extra (vans, supplies, fire protection, etc.)
- We are asking that the 5 nations that have a lot of forest fires help pay for this. Those countries are the USA, Russia, Brazil, Canada, and Australia. Each nation should contribute $70.6 million.
- FOP will continue for 2 years in the Democratic Republic of Congo. If there is a high decrease in forest fires and PM2.5, then the program will expand to Russia. If this works, every 2 years the program will expand to another country dealing with air pollution and/or forest fires.
Resolution GA-02 April 1
Re.: Immigration
Submitted to: General Assembly
Submitted by: Argentina
Date: April 1, 2025
Whereas Article 5 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”, and
Whereas Article 9 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention, or exile.”, and
Aware that today 13.8% of the U.S.’s residents are foreign-born, and
Concerned that immigrants support the U.S. economy in many ways, accounting for 22.6% of entrepreneurs, 23.1% of STEM workers, and 15.6% of nurses, and
Amazed that Germany had 663,000 people move there in 2023, and
Alarmed that immigrants account for almost 20% of Germany’s population,
Be It Hereby Resolved That The General Assembly:
- Our program is called CCTV, which stands for Country Citizenship Through Visas, and we plan to assist immigrants by helping them get visas and give them housing.
- CCTV will be operated on the border of the United States and Mexico and in Germany as well to combat illegal immigration.
- We are seeking $25 million by raising the dues of the 10 nations that pay the highest amount of dues by 1.5%.
- We are using the money to build 250 rooms across 10 cities, and we will purchase 1,000 beds along with paying our employees. We will let the immigrants stay between 2-5 months, giving them time for their immigration papers.
- Our program will last for 7 years. We would like to expand our program to other countries in need such as Israel, Sudan, and Italy.
Resolution GA-04 April 1
Re.: Refugees/Refugee Camps
Submitted to: General Assembly
Submitted by: Sudan
Date: April 1, 2025
Whereas Article 1 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.”, and
Whereas Article 25, section 1 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family, including food, clothing, housing, and medical care, and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age, or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.”, and
Alarmed by the fact that Tanzania is hosting 232,813 refugees as of September, 2024, and
Deeply concerned that Tanzania is taking in refugees from many countries, such as Burundi, Rwanda, Yemen, Turkey, and
Alarmed that studies have shown a high prevalence of mental health issues in refugee populations, and
Aware of the fact that due to previous poor access to proper healthcare, refugees may have health issues and conditions that have gone untreated for a large amount of time,
Be It Hereby Resolved That The General Assembly:
- The name of this program is Medicate, Rejuvenate, Protect or, M.R.P for short. The goal of this program is to go to refugee camps around the world and give them the medication and treatment they need.
- M.R.P will begin in Tanzania, Bangladesh, and Kenya, as those countries house a large number of refugees. Our goal is to improve the lives of the refugees by improving their health, which in turn will give them more energy and one less thing to worry about.
- We ask for $7.1 million to begin M.R.P, which will be paid for by raising the dues of the 10 wealthiest nations by 7.1%.
- The money will be used for purchasing 6 medical vans for 3 countries, which is $2.7 million. To maintain the vans will cost $1.5 million. To pay the doctors’ salaries, which will cost about $2.9 million.
- The program will last 5 years.
- At the end of the time period, we will have hopefully improved the overall health in the refugee camps by 20%. If so, we will move to other countries with refugee camps, starting with Iraq and Ukraine.