October 16th Pizza & Movie Night Sign Up - CIVITAS-STL

October 16th Pizza & Movie Night Sign Up

Join Civitas on October 16th for some delicious pizza and a thought provoking movie. We plan on showing two 1 hour documentaries.  The event will be at the Civitas office from MV5BMTQ2NzEwNzkzM15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNjYzNjcwMDE@._V1_SY317_CR12,0,214,317_AL_6-9 pm. (Map)

  1. The first one is Battlezones: Syria and Ukraine. FRONTLINE reports from inside two raging conflicts. In “The Battle for Ukraine,” filmmaker James Jones is on the ground with both sides of the conflict, Ukrainian nationalists and Russian separatists. And in “Arming the Rebels,” reporter Muhammed Ali uncovers how the U.S. is secretly training Syrian rebels.
  2. The second movie is Living on One Dollar. An award-winning film that has been called “A Must Watch” by Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus and Director of The Hunger Games, Gary Ross. Living on One Dollar follows the journey of four friends as they set out to live on just $1 a day for two months in rural Guatemala.

Space is limited, please RSVP!


Bobbi Kennedy is the middle school coordinator for Civitas. She also helps with high school activities and keeps the web site from imploding.