Country Roster for May 6, 2019 - CIVITAS-STL

Country Roster for May 6, 2019

The schools attending the May 6 session are Holman Middle, Pattonville Heights Middle, and Remington Traditional. The General Assembly will be at the Maryland Heights Community Center from 9:00 am until 12:00 pm. Here are their selected countries.

Holman Middle
1. Brazil2. Canada3. Croatia4. Italy5. Japan
6. Kazakhstan7. Kenya8. Mongolia9. New Zealand10. Poland
11. Sweden12. Thailand13. Trinidad & Tobago14. Vietnam
Pattonville Heights Middle
1. Afghanistan2. Barbados3. Belarus4. Bolivia5. Burundi
6. Cabo Verde7. China8. Czech Republic9. Dominican Republic10. Ecuador
11. Ethiopia12. Finland13. France14. Greece15. India
16. Israel17. Jamaica18. Lebanon19. Madagascar20. Monaco
21. Norway22. Russian Federation23. Somalia24. South Africa25. Sweden
26. Venezuela
Remington Traditional
1. Armenia2. Australia3. Chile4. Costa Rica5. Cuba
6. Denmark7. Egypt8. Fiji9. Germany10. Ireland
11. Luxembourg12. Mexico13. Netherlands14. Nigeria15. North Korea
16. Peru17. Philippines18. Turkey19. Uganda20. United Kingdom
21. Zimbabwe


Bobbi Kennedy is the middle school coordinator for Civitas. She also helps with high school activities and keeps the web site from imploding.